Grounded in Maine

109: Untethering Shame with Kyira Wackett

Amy Fagan

Ooh, this conversation with Kyira Wackett was so good! Kyira hosts her own podcast, Untethering Shame, and brought such a necessary conversation for me, as every week I'm talking about all of these cool people who are doing amazing things in sustainability, and this week we're talking about SHAME, which feels so important right now. It's so true, and I often think about people who feel shame around sustainability - folks who feel like if they can't afford the expensive things that say sustainable on them, they're not allowed to feel like a part of the solution. I feel it, too! 

I've had people that I know hang their head and mention something they feel bad about around plastic/recycling or composting; like I'm a perfect person who does everything right... I'm also human - AND if you notice, I'm talking to these folks so I can learn, too, and highlight what THEY'RE doing... Nobody's perfect, and there's no such thing (that I'm aware of) as perfect sustainability. We should only be comparing ourselves to our yesterday self, and nobody else. Easier said than done, I know, but that's the goal- 

Kyira, a licensed therapist AND coach, has so many enlightening thoughts on this topic, obviously, and I'm thrilled that she was able to share them with us all, and hopefully not just ease our minds but also empower us.

These are her words, from her guest form: "There is no all or nothing, you don't have to be perfect, and that the fear we all have about the state of the world is real, but that it can't be your primary motivation, or you will get stuck in pain and fear and negative self-talk. The pressure will be rooted to the wrong purpose." 

YouTube is where Kyira is most active - here's her channel: 

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